This web documentary lasts about 30 minutes. Click continue to begin or select an individual chapter.
Back in Touch is an interactive documentary about life in post-Ebola Sierra Leone.
Produced by On Our Radar in partnership with New Internationalist, it has been driven by a group of passionate and dedicated citizen journalists, whose stories offer a deep and unmediated insight into the aftershocks of the deadly Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
The print version of these stories was released in the June edition of New Internationalist as a 10-page special in the magazine.
“Story behind the story”: editor’s noteReporting by Amjata, Mariama, Med, Moses, Bankolay, Elizabeth, Sixty, Patrick and the rest of the On Our Radar citizen journalist network in Sierra Leone.
Produced, directed and filmed by Paul Myles
Edited by Davide Morandini
Web design by David Hill
Music by 19 Sound
Assistant Producer and Photographer - Laurence Ivil
Associate Producer - Hazel Healy
Production and Web Design Coordinator - Paula Hämäläinen
Production Assistant and Researcher - Jake Leyland
Consultant - May Abdalla
With thanks to:
NEON; Health Poverty Action; Morris and friends at the Sensi Hub
Flo, Erica, Georgina, James, Tiana, John, Sophie and Hana
And a special thank you to Libby, Adam and Tobias